well yesterday dh has his op and oh my the worries he gave me something that was supposed to tak 30 mins took 3 hours i was so worried by the end of it . and the news isnt good dh had problems with the levels of oxygen he had and needed assistance and this can point to lungh problems so we have to get xrays on his lungs. but on the otherhand today i have been dreaming and planning my store. we decided when we buy a home where going to put a studio/store to the side of the property where i can be free to do what i want . so today i have been doing drawings of what it will look like and oh my i think ive blown the budget rofl. ok ok
picture this
a room for massive table in the center ... wall to wall of papers one whole wall dedicated to embelisments and otp and everything you can think of. a kitchen for coffee cake and biccies a toilet areas for paints insperation centeral i think i will call the work station but the store of course will be the FUnkiest essentials oh if dreams could come true RIGHT NOW rofl
Monday, April 21, 2008
Dreaming and worries
Posted by Emstar at 11:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I have truly Lost my mojo
i sat down to finnish a lo last night and i just couldnt my mojo is gone i really need to finnish the room and brighten it up that way i think my mojo will come back i yearn for the perfect studio but i think thats a while off yet . so i will make do with what i have which i guess im truly lucky to have a room to myself alot of others dont so why whinge.. cause Im DISORGINISED rofl i want orginisiation . how do you sort your chippy letters ... me all chippy is in a container lol all of it .. i can never find one thing. i think i need to cordinate things so that i use them more i dont know im truly blocked of inspiration i still have things in boxes that i just havent unpacked . i have some shleves on order to go in the cupboard and i wouldnt mind to get 3 more of the smaller shelves to "stack" on top of each other .. my aim is to get as much off my desk as possible more space to play i yearn to play i yearn to finnish a project and feel completly satisfied with how it looks i know i will get there and nothing happens over night.. im hoping that dh will be able to watch aiden for me today so i can have some time to work on it today but he is unwell so i doubt it
Posted by Emstar at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Aiden as a new born
aiden today
Posted by Emstar at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
my lil mans outdoor play area
Posted by Emstar at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Ribbon Box
Posted by Emstar at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
its been awhile
its been a while since my last blog ive been sooo busy . im still not any good at this blog thing so if you know how i can make this look better please do share... well alots happened here since the walking has begun.. we FINALLY got a new door.. pics to come tomorrow. and we went away for the weekend down the goldcoast and stupid me foregot the camera so we bought some disposables .which mean many lost photo ops of aiden eating sand playing with this girl on the beach . as well as that dp is sick he has and ear infection a throat infection. and also has finally got is well you know looked at and he needs to go into hospital for an adult circumision.. so once again things get put on hold. im starting to wonder if this is ever meant to be . if my first order will ever happen if i will ever get anything moving... i dont have ppl posting on my forum i dont think pple like me or something. meh i dont think its personal i think there is just so much "better" places out there .. well lets see what else has happened .. aiden is back in his own room and its a nightmare.. its that bad i have actually been getting up to start the day at 430am in the morning. and i also bit the bullet and emailed the baby whisperer this and i have booked aiden into daycare 2 days a week starting september. i feel he needs to see more kids his age and play and learn and since we are hoping to ttc #2 around september it would be good timing to have him in and then i can rest if need be and avoid the complications i had first time round.. ahh the joys!. i gtg aidens awake again .. hopefully this wont go on til midnight again
Posted by Emstar at 3:48 AM 0 comments