Sunday, June 29, 2008


some pics of aiden for good measure.. enjoying sushi and... chicken chow mein

sorry its been a while between blogs things are truly a mess here. well we have put off the wedding for a while. im devestated but i know its the right thing to do . we have been in trouble. its a mess but hey what can you do . i think that im in denial. i need to go back to work but i just am not sure about it yet. i dont want to do a job i hate i want to do something that helps my creative side come out. im thinking of offering my services to a few lss well even not so local.

on the happier side of things my best mate is back from overseas.. wanna know a scary fact this year we will have been friends for 23 years yep weve been friends from birth where about 6 weeks apart and it has lasted longer then most peoples marriages. i had a baby free weekend so we had a few drinki poos together i love her to bits! heres some pics

also heres some work i have done. not much has been done lately im just to emotionaly drained to even try . i have cleaned out the scrapping space ready for a new desk and all that jazz i only really need now some of those roller draws and some shelving space. bil is making my paper storage for me . i just have to draw it up for him

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

more work

here is some more work ive been doing , i have a bit of a block atm but i will be getting stuck into it all tomorrow i have 1 card on order , 1 dt challange, and a cj eeek plus my wedding stuff and coping with the problems here at home so bear with me and it will all sort itself out
the 2 otp are for blumars dt one is my chippy storage and the other is my ink pad and stamp storage

Sunday, June 8, 2008

just to add

this is my lo i did in my application to blumars design team this is there link to there foum its also down the side, maria is great always helpful

just a blog and some questions

well today I went to the scrapping show and oh my did i feel overwhelemd although my measly $50 went a long way i could have spent alot more, it was so busy and poor aiden i dragged him around and he ended up falling asleep, i ran into cass and lu, which was great i havent had a chance to go to a crop at cyberscraps for ages im having severe withdrawls but unfortunatly i cant go to cyberscraps with out spending a small fortune on fantastic goodies lol i just cant help it its an addiction pmsl , im thinking of actually hosting some crops to make myself some extra cash on the side to support this addiction so i need some help . i have only been to one crop in my life at cyberscraps and we had pizza and softdrink and all of that and craft mats where provided and a place to sit. but what do other places provide? and what would you like to see ,
i was thinking of providing cofee biscuts and softdrink but im not sure what else i would only charge about $20 but im still not sure on the finer details i still have to run it past my mum and df as its mums house and df has to live here to pmsl anyways please give me some feedback


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Please help me

get a new banner! if anybody that digi scraps can desing me a funky new banner i will love you long time :)

hmm what else has been happening aiden has been really sick hence the lack of blogging we spent alot of time over the weekend with fevers at the hospital,we where told sunday by a dr that he had measles.. how wrong they where its a viral rash which is a good thing, other then the lack of chris around the place not much has changed this end, i sold some scrapping stuff today im going to get myself a nice hair cut with it and an eyebrow wax i need to do something i think im in a rut im flat drained i need a pep a change.. dont worry ill be posting up the new hair and all that jazz i need someone to renovate my life start over you know come in my head clean it up and give me a new look on life